Thursday, February 13, 2014

We conclude that deacetylation of H4 K16Ac and expression of HMGA1 2 can both co

Breast cancer stem cells are defined as a subpopu lation of breast cancer cells that can self renew and differentiate into other forms of cancer cells. These cells are scarce in cancers but 100 fold more tumori genic than cells of other phenotypes. Cancer stem cells are strongly associated with tumor initiation, progression, metastasis Ganetespib and also drug-resistance. It is currently universally accepted that basic chemo therapy is not successful in removing cancer stem,tissue, particularly when the tumor becomes resistant. We hypothesized that cancer stem cells might consult growth resistance to endocrine treatment medicines. In 2003, Michael Clarkes group initially identified a CD24lo, CD44, ESA and lineage subpopulation of human breast cancer cells, which may begin tumors in immune deficient NODSCID rats. This subpopu lation maybe understood to be cancer stem cells based on the following qualities. Ability for self renew ing, survival from anoikis, high tumorigenic capacity and ability to efflux toxins effectively. Fillmore et al. Proven that breast cancer cell lines also contain a stem-like subpopulation predicated on tumori genicity in vivo. Medical research Organism using neoadjuvant treatment also mentioned that these breast cancer stem cells can be selected by chemotherapy rather than by lapatinib. Therefore, drug resistance to chemothera py is recognized as an innate quality of breast cancer stem cells. Numerous re people believe that cancer stem cells are responsi ble for resistance to hormonal therapy, however some controversies remain. The reaction to endocrine therapy is dependent upon the expression of oestrogen receptor, Lindeman and his col leagues VX-661 reported that normal murine mammary stem cells are negative for ER, progesterone receptor and erbB2 during breast growth. Smalley et al. Furthermore demonstrated by gene profiling and in vivo functional studies of Im expressing mouse mammary cells that ER-POSITIVE cells are not stem cells. In many in vitro tamoxifen resistance models, ER was down regulated while erbB2 was upregulated as resistance created, which could be solved by inhibiting the epidermal growth factor receptorerbB2 signaling process. It was also verified that en hanced EGFRerbB2 signaling in tamoxifen resistant breast cancer cells probably benefits from selection to get a more stem-like phenotype. Using a three di base cells. Because tamoxifen only suppresses the growth of estrogen related breast cancer cells, breast cancer stem cells may be resistant to tamoxifen and survive after-treatment.

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